The school canteen is managed by a Canteen Manager and operates with the assistance of parent volunteers.

The canteen operates at recess and lunch times on Mondays and Fridays. Lunch orders should state the child's name, class, food/drink item, price etc. and the correct total money enclosed (written clearly on a paper bag). Please fold the order bag over several times to ensure that the money does not slip out. Students place their order in the tub located outside of the canteen, prior to the morning bell.

Orders may also be placed online via the Flexischools app.  If using this method, please ensure students are aware they have a lunch order.

Late orders may cause your child to not get what they ordered so please try and have them in on time.

Credit cannot be offered at the canteen. Any child without lunch will be provided with a basic package from the staffroom.

The canteen is an important aspect of family support. It provides a healthy service for students and the funds raised by the students are used for our educational programs and equipment.

A Canteen Price List is sent home at the commencement of each school year and updated regularly.